Saturday 31 May 2008

It's living, it's living time!!

Hey fellow bloggers, it's me again!! How've you all been?? Wow, it's seems like it's been forever since I have written anything....

Well, what has been going on with me? I hear you ask.... well in 3 weeks I will finish my college course! That's pretty big, isn't it? I will be a fully qualified child care worker.... is that not freakin' awesome?

Tonight, I am going out with several friends for a friend of mine's birthday... well her birthday was on Wednesday but the party is today. We are all going swimming which should be fun and then back to church for more fun times!

I have been having very many fun times lately, my life is picking up again, which is awesome!!

Anywho, I gotta go... swimming will be soon and I have to figure out how I'm gonna get from the changing rooms to the pool without being seen :P

From C-Bag xx

1 comment:

Lemony Snickett said...

Hey Bag!
Good to see you have finally posted another blog entry.
Take a look over at mine or on the oakham vox blog page (I post on there too now!)
I'm studying how Jesus was an effective communicator and how we can use His examples to reach people today in a more effective way.
I think I'm gonna base my next sermon on it too, so thats pretty sweet. Im speaking some time in july on the evening times.
Well I'm sure I will see you soon.
"and then to seal the deal I do my moves, I do my dance moves!"